Author: Jack Heath

Former TV News Reporter Turned Author, Talks About Being on the Other Side

As a former TV news reporter and current radio talk show host, I have a whole new appreciation for how much work authors go through to get their books out to the masses. For years, I have been on the media side of things and the one holding the microphone asking an aspiring or famous author questions about his or her novel. Back then, I didn’t know, it would be me one day seeking the media’s attention, as a new author.

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Book Clubs Are Alive and Well in New England

Good news authors, I have found that local Book Clubs are thriving in New England. At least that is good news to me since I am a new author and live in the region. I am not sure if this is due to Oprah, Kindle, Nook, IPads or Reality TV burnout, but people- especially women- are reading and meeting to talk about it. It is refreshing and encouraging to meet with these clubs after they all have read your work for their monthly book choice. I have been to several of these clubs where close to twenty women meet at one of their member’s homes. The mood is social for them and for the author. While I have enjoyed the store signings and events, I have found these local Book Clubs to be the most fun and engaging.

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