Tag: book promotion

Are Author Tours Worth It?

I am often asked if author tours are successful. We are very honest with the folks we have worked with on what a book signing might look like, yet there are still a number of authors who think there is going to be a line wrapping around the building to purchase their books at every event no matter what we say. Although we would love to see that happen, I would like to provide a more realistic view to the process, and help you define the word “successful” for yourself.

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Make It Happen

When I published my first novel Deadly Portfolio: A Killing in Hedge Funds, I thought that I could make the book happen—become a big seller, harvest scores of glowing reviews, and find the world had come knocking. Some of that has come true.

The reviews have been consistently enthusiastic. I have been invited to radio and pod-cast interviews and to contribute to the web sites of others. My own web site has reaped dozens of positive comments. I thought that I was on the right track. I thought that I was making it happen. Sales of the book have been steady, but despite all of this positive activity, the numbers have fallen short of impressive.

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The Power of the Author Interview

A marketing tool all authors need to utilize to market and promote their books is the author interview. It’s quite simple to create and the investment of 30 minutes or less will go a long way to produce a tool that can be used time and again, both on and offline. If you’re interested in treating yourself to one of the most valuable 30 minute book marketing exercises…please read on.

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Book Fairs Are the Independent Film Festivals of Publishing

The Cannes Film Festival is world-renown to both the film industry and indie film buffs. Held in Cannes, France every year since 1946, it is the most glamorous invitation-only, film festival one could hope to attend. It is for film professionals and press only. Film festivals are to the silver screen as book fairs are to publishing. The crème de la crème events that drive what audiences will be watching and reading in the months and years to come.

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5 Tips to a Successful Book Launch

The anticipation around launching a book for an author is like the night before Christmas, or the first day of school. You’ve been working towards the big day, getting your book prepared for publication. After numerous edits, selecting a final cover design an author wonders will the big day ever arrive. You’ve made sure you have the book in all available formats from eBook to print to audio, and your marketing team and book publicist are standing by.

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Blogging is a Goldmine for Self-published Authors

I think I have a little crush on blogging. Actually I believe it is a serious crush. My new passion. I’ve fallen in love with writing again, after having been absent from it for such a long time. A (broadcast) journalist by design, courtesy of Buffalo State College and my parents gift of education…should I reverse those two examples? My days were spent writing marketing, advertising and website copy, mixed in with book cover blurbs and author media kits. My own books pushed to the side, because I am always helping another writer get to the next level.

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The Value of Book Fairs for Independent Authors

The term “book fair” likely conjures up different images for different people. Even for me–after attending nearly a hundred book fairs and publishing industry trade shows over the past 5 plus years–I have a Rolodex of images in my head representing book fairs that go all the way back to my elementary school cafeteria where wood tables were set up and piles of hardcover versions of “The Magic School Bus” were laid out and sold for $5 each to students. But despite the catalog of images that I see in my head when I hear the words “book” and “fair” spoken in succession, the actual concept that I think of is singular: international rights.

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