This excerpt on Character Development is from “Success, Your Path to a Successful Book,” by Maralyn D. Hill and Brenda C. Hill.

Next consider the body language:

Expressions, smiles, frowns, grimaces.

Reactions, eye roll, blush, contemptuous, conveying irony.

Gestures, thumbs up, fist, shrug.

Dress, neat, expensive, sloppy, attention to detail, in style, out of style.

Given names and surnames–it’s always nice when you take the time to have them tie in with the personality.

We know this list is short, but there still is more to come. If you’re considering Success, and we hope you are, you may want to go to the link and see what others have said about our book. Naturally, we are proud of their comments.

Maralyn D. Hill and Brenda C. Hill
Books By Hills
$uccess, Your Path to a Successful Book