The following excerpt is from Success, Your Path to a Successful Book by Maralyn D. Hill and Brenda C. Hill.
Understanding Your Target Market 1
Major special sales distributors (as provided by Sam Henrie, President, Wheatmark, Inc. ) follow:
Anderson Merchandisers—Wal-Mart, Advanced Marketing Services (AMS)—mass merchandisers and wholesale clubs.
The Charles Levy Circulating Company—grocery store and drugstore chains, Nutri-Book—health and fitness outlets.
New Leaf—new age outlets, and Bookazine—mass merchandisers and airport bookstores.
Does the publisher you are considering have connections with any of the above?
Some publishers will ensure distribution to a particular chain of bookstores and set up book-signings. This is an added bonus.
Be sure to set up your book on It will assist you in having your book distributed far and wide. You publisher will set you up on some of these outlets, but why not ensure you are set up with all of them? It is worth the small investment.
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Maralyn D. Hill & Brenda C. Hill
International Food Wine & Travel Writers Association
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