I subscribe to Help A Reporter Out (HARDO), a unbelievable mailing that comes out several times a day. Sometimes, I read and follow-up on leads, other times I’m able to help someone else, and many times, I’ve been helped.
A year ago, I head Peter speak at a marketing conference in Southern Oregon. He says he is ADD++. I believe it. But he is also successful and has helped a lot of reporters out.
Peter Shankman, the creator of HARDO is a PR and Marketing guru. He opens each update with some type of a quote as to what is is currently doing or thinking. Today’s opening was so appropriate to share, I’m quoting it. Peter wrote this–not me. But, I fall into this category of people who need and take power naps.
“So, what do I have in common with Albert Einstein, Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton and Gene Autry? Give up? We are only a few of the powerful, famous, creative people who have been proponents — and practitioners — of the power nap. With all my traveling, I am a HUGE fan of power napping. It helps me maintain my hectic speaking schedule and not require a constant IV drip of caffeine and a pharmacy’s worth of medicine. It’s also awesome for combating jet lag and it helps me remember things (which can be hard when I’m in my third city in three days). Dr. Carol Ginandes, Ph.D., created a two-CD set called “The Ultimate Power Nap for Rapid Rest and Renewal.” I love it. I downloaded it on my iPod. Bet Einstein would have thought that was cool! Check it out here: http://www.ultimatepowernap.com or on Amazon at http://amzn.to/a5a0Y1 (And Dr. Ginandes would make a great interview for business, lifestyle or travel features! Contact Nancy Sayles, The Sayles Organization, nsayles@socal.rr.com.) Who SAYS if you snooze, you lose!”–Peter Shankman
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International Food Wine & Travel Writers Association
Books By Hills Success With Writing Where & What in the World
Member: Society of Professional Journalists
Finalist in the Writing and Publishing category of the 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards,
“$uccess, Your Path to a Successful Book,”