Time, where does it all go? We never seem to have enough and once wasted, it is gone. I like to be positive, but time does not seem to be forgiving.
This quote from Jim Rohn seems to apply to many of us. “Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it and spend it rather than invest it.”
Maralyn D. Hill, President
International Food Wine & Travel Writers Association
Books By Hills Success With Writing Where & What in the World
Member: Society of Professional Journalists
Finalist in the Writing and Publishing category of the 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards,
“$uccess, Your Path to a Successful Book,”
Nice site,i have bookmarked it for later use, thanks.
Thanks for the bookmark.
Cool Site, thanks for the info!!
Cool website, thanks for sharing the info!!
Thanks for commenting.
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It was so much fun reading about this. It was like going thurgoh all again. I second Betsy’s comment about how it was a helluva lot of work but also great fun. And the food really was outstanding. I will be making the Poki again. Thanks, Megan for all the work and for blogging it so I could relive it.. Smooches