The following excerpt is from INDIE Finalist “Success, Your Path to a Successful Book,” by Maralyn D. Hill and Brenda C. Hill.

How do you choose a POD publisher?

  • Talk to others.

  • Read publishers’ contracts thoroughly.

  • Go online to writers’ forums and see what others say.

  • A Google Search for Print on Demand will provide current articles on the subject.

  • Set-up costs matter. Free or low cost does not necessarily mean best.

  • Do you want or need color printing? Color limits the number of POD publishers.

  • Do you want to include a CD with your book? Some POD publishers offer that service.

  • Do the publishers charge an annual fee to keep you listed on their website?

  • Do the publishers accept book returns from book stores?

  • What type of discount does the author receive?

  • How often do publishers pay royalties?

  • How do they distribute your book?

  • Do they have a website with pages devoted to your book?

  • Do they provide you with the details to format your own book or must you pay extra to use their formatting service?

  • What if any rights do they expect to have? Be sure you maintain your copyright.

There is still more.

Maralyn D. Hill & Brenda C. Hill
International Food Wine & Travel Writers Association
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