I know Brenda reviewed this, but I’m giving you my take. I’m a slower reader but I enjoyed Brenda’s review so much, I decided I better get with it.
Passion & History Shine Through in Libation.
For me, Libation, A Bitter Alchemy, by Deirdre Heekin was an intriguing read.
Her story started as a quest with her husband to discover the origins and history of Italian cuisine in its truest form. Simultaneously, Deirdre uncovered her own passion for understanding the development of the craft and art of wine making as well as of other liqueurs, liquor and cocktails.
Through Deirdre’s colorful memories, experiences, tales and experiments, this book represents a wonderful history lesson for those interested in the evolution of spirits. Her love of its origins, stories, culture and perseverance transforms you to the time and place as each evolves.
Deirdre’s obvious love of and passion for the soil and various environmental factors, along with individuals and cultures is transferred when possible to her home in
She and her husband, Caleb Barber, always exhibit a passion for discovering the history, traditions and customs behind various food and libations. This combination results in a rewarding story filled with love.
As someone who appreciates and enjoys the history of food, Libation is intoxicating as a journey into wine and spirits. I personally always go by my own palate, which is less developed as much with liquor or liqueur than with food or wine. However, I’m always willing to taste. Since reading Libation, I’ll taste and appreciate more the story behind the drink.
International Food Wine & Travel Writers Association
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