The following excerpt is from Success, Your Path to a Successful Book by Maralyn D. Hill and Brenda C. Hill.
Understanding Your Target Market Blogs
Your e-mail signature is an opportunity to sell your book. Be sure to list your book title and website. It is important to include your blog address. When our book was published, we wrote, Just Released. We received several inquiries. This response contributed towards obtaining the Time Warner gig as well as continued sales.
Be sure to obtain a good supply of business cards. We have found it beneficial to have a photo of our books on our card. Now, with a third book, the first two book covers will be printed on the back. It is frequent for earlier titles to have a pickup in sales when a new book is released.
This continues with our next post.
Be sure to sign up for a copy of our new posts as soon as they happen. We do not sell your names and you can remove yourself from list whenever you want.
Maralyn D. Hill & Brenda C. Hill
International Food Wine & Travel Writers Association
Books By Hills Success Log Global Log
Nice Info . Do you mind if I talk about this post in my blog. You and your blog will surely get the credit
That’s fine.