Houghton Mifflin Harcourt “Temporarily” Stops Buying New Books is the latest headline in the publishing industry.
It looks as if another large publisher may be dwindling. It also appears that this will work to encourage authors to use independent small publishers and print-on-demand.
If you are a writer, don’t be discouraged. People are still reading and books will still be available. However, to have a successful book, you need to be prepared to market it yourself. Even if you’re with a big publisher, you need to have your own marketing plan.
The difference, you’ll have to invest in yourself. You can do it and our book, $uccess
Your Path to a
Successful Book shows how.
Remember to sign up for our automatic update for writing tips. We do not share our list and you can withdraw at any time.
Wishing you Successful Writing,
Maralyn D. Hill
Books By Hills
SLOG: Success Log
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You are welcome to use as long as a link with credit to author is provided with copy. Maralyn D. Hill