Proof time. There is nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your proof copy of your new book. What’s better, the final published copy.

Brenda, Norm and I are in the midst of editing our proof of $uccess, Your Path to a Successful Book and it is exciting. Naturally, we were hoping for just a few edits. The count is up to 44. It reinforces the need for editing. Brenda and I don’t begin to catch what Norm does. It looks different in print than on the screen or just a document copy.

Based on seminars and workshops Brenda and I have given and people asking us for a book, we decided to write $uccess. We’ve ended up with a book that we wish we would have been able to read before we wrote our first book together, Our Love Affairs with Food & Travel.

We want to thank all of those who urged us to write this book. I’ll be sure to let you know when it is available. Hopefully, by August.

We don’t profess to be experts, but have learned a great deal from experience.

The purpose of this blog will be to provide writing, marketing, and publishing tips so you can have a smoother journey to publishing your book.

We invite comments and we are happy to feature tips from others.

Maralyn D. Hill