Excerpt from $uccess.
The following are tips while you’re attending a writers’ conference or workshop, especially if it is your first time:

• Often it costs less to stay nearby instead of the workshop site. Even so, pay the money and be with the group. We have found that the networking and camaraderie happening behind the scenes can be as valuable as the workshop itself… schmoozing is a positive word.

• Arrive to class early, well dressed, with your papers packed neatly in a file with a good pen. It is a myth that writers are just creative hippie types who look disheveled or artistic. Do be yourself. However, the truth is that most SUCCESSFUL writers are well-dressed, well organized, business people.

• One of the most valuable tools we have learned is to read aloud to a friend, or… at least, yourself, before you finish your last draft. Do this before you read aloud to a writing group.

Maralyn D. Hill and Brenda C. Hill
Books By Hills